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Basic Trajectory Plotter
Plots the trajectory of a projectile given an
initial velocity and elevation angle.
Use the Reset command and Start to compare the effects of different launch angle
Form layout and controls are shown below:
Objects Required:
| Forms: FrmTrajectory, FrmPlotTrajectory |
| Labels: LblRangeMax, LblHeightMax, LblTime,
LblRange, LblX, LblZ |
| Textboxes: TxtV0, TxtElevation |
| Picture: PicTrajectory |
| Command buttons: CmdStart, CmdReset, CmdExit,
CmdClear |
| Timer |
Control Properties:
Control Name |
Properties and Assigned
Default Values |
Typical Code:
Const g = 9.816
'Constants and variables are defined in General
Const DTR = 57.295
Dim Vinitial As Double
Dim Theta As Double
Dim TheTime As Double
Dim Vx As Double
Dim Vz As Double
Private Sub CmdClear_Click()
'Clear plot area
End Sub
Private Sub CmdExit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub CmdReset_Click()
'Reset all parameters
LblRangeMax.Caption = ""
LblHeightMax.Caption = ""
LblTime.Caption = ""
LblRange.Caption = ""
LblX.Caption = ""
LblZCaption = ""
TheTime = 0
Vx = 0
Vz = 0
FrmPlotTrajectory.Label1.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub CmdStart_Click()
'Check to see if user has entered a value for Initial
velocity and Elevation
If TxtV0.Text = "" Or TxtElevation.Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Enter initial velocity and
elevation angle", vbCritical
Vinitial = Val(TxtV0.Text)
Theta = Val(TxtElevation.Text) / DTR
Timer1.Enabled = True
MaxHeight = ((Vinitial ^ 2) * (Sin(Theta)
^ 2)) / (2 * g)
LblHeightMax.Caption = MaxHeight
MaxRange = (Vinitial ^ 2 * Sin(2 *
Theta)) / g
LblRangeMax.Caption = MaxRange
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
'Increment plot step time
TheTime = TheTime + Val(TxtPlotDt.Text)
t = TheTime
LblTime.Caption = t
'Perform trajectory calculations
Vx = Vinitial * Cos(Theta) * t
LblX.Caption = Vx
Vz = Vinitial * Sin(Theta) * t - 0.5 * g * t ^ 2
LblZ.Caption = Vz
range = Vinitial * Co |