Basic (Sprite) Animation
To move an object we have to manipulate its x, y coordinates on the form the
object belongs to. A key element in this process is the "Timer" control!
Consider the following scenario: A balloon rises up to a predefined position
then start to move across the form.
Form layout and controls are shown below:
Control Objects Required:
| Forms: FrmBalloon |
| Image: ImgBalloon |
| Command buttons: CmdStart, CmdStop |
| Timer |
Control Properties:
Control Name |
Properties and Assigned
Default Values |
FrmBalloon |
BackColor = &H00FFFFC0& |
CmdStart |
Style = Graphical
BackColor = &H0080FF80&
CmdStop |
Style = Graphical
BackColor = &H008080FF&
Timer1 |
Enabled = False
Interval = 50 |
Typical Code:
Private Sub CmdStart_Click()
'Start Timer
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub CmdStop_Click()
'Stop Timer
Timer1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
'if balloon reaches predefined height start to move
'horizontally at constant height
If ImgBalloon.Top < 200 Then
'move balloon left 15 is an
arbitrary value
ImgBalloon.Left = ImgBalloon.Left +
'rewind balloon position to left of
If ImgBalloon.Left > Me.Width Then
ImgBalloon.Left = 0
End If
'increment balloon height 10 is
an arbitrary value
ImgBalloon.Top = ImgBalloon.Top - 10
End If
End Sub