
Example game on a 9x9 board:

Start of game:

Black to play.

Black has a 2 stone handicap. The Black dots are where handicap stones are placed usually.

Black rating is 14Kyu.

Black has decided to secure the edge of the board as this offers more area.
Black attacks centre of board to gain more area and link existing stones more strongly.
Black must play here or lose their stone and thus let white edge left around the board.
Black attacks the single white and white responds accordingly.
Black plays in this position almost forming a complete eye, to safeguard the single black stone of the right hand edge.
Filling up no mans land areas to gain some advantage in area.

Black Passes game at this point as White has enough space to form 2 complete eyes.

White Passes too.

Final score shown

White has 16 empty grid line intersections, including the outer edges, and no prisoners.

Some games on a 13x13 board

Some games on a 19x19 board