
Differential Equations:

Differential equations give us a dynamic, c.f. static, relationship over time of various types of behaviour (or phenomena) we want to study.

Note that the same differential equation can represent various types of system. For example a second order differential equation of the form shown below: 

a2*d2y/dt2 + a1*dy/dt + a0 = 0

could be used to represent any of the following systems:
bulletInductor Capacitor Resistor (LCR) circuit
bulletMass Spring Damper (MSD) mechanism
bulletSimple Electro-Hydraulic Actuator (EHA)
bulletLongitudinal axis, short period dynamics, of an aircraft

We should also note that there are different types of differential equation such as:

bulletlinear => dy/dt -y = 0 
bulletnon linear =>  dy/dt - y*y = 0
bulletpartial => d2u/dt2  = c2(d2u/dx2 + d2u/dy2)

Usually we try to linearise non linear differential equations which describe the phenomena we want to study.