
Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) Control:

PID control provides a simple yet relatively robust means of control to many types of system that can be represented or approximated by a second order system.

A PID controller has the transfer function GPID(s) = K1 + K2/s + K3s

The PID controller introduces a pole at the origin and two zeros that can be placed in the desired place in the left hand s-plane.

Design steps for a PID Controller:

Controller is of form: Kc(1 + 1/Tis + Tds)

Determine gain Kss – proportional gain where system is just stable

Determine period Tss – period of  oscillations where system is conditionally stable

 PID Controller Parameters:

Kc = 0.5*Kss Kc = 0.45*Kss   Kc = 0.6*Kss
  Ti = 0.83*Tss Ti = 0.5*Tss
    Td = 0.125*Tss