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Basic Calculator
Make your own calculator which has the following functions:
| Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division |
| Power, Log, Factorial n |
| Sine, Cosine, Tangent |
| Square Root (includes complex roots) |
Initial Design Thoughts:
| What functions to implement?
| Add, subtract, multiply, divide,
| Square root, power, factorial, Ln |
| Sin, Cosine, Tangent |
| Warnings for division by 0 |
| Warnings for ln(0) |
| Two views simple and Scientific |
| How will it operate (cumulative functionality? |
| Clear function |
| Use menu editor to change views |
Form layout and controls are shown below:
Control Objects Required:
| Forms: FrmCalculator |
| Labels: LblAns |
| Textboxes: TxtInput, TxtPower |
| Command buttons: CmdAdd, CmdReset, CmdExit,
CmdClear |
Control Properties:
Control Name |
Properties and Assigned
Default Values |
Typical Code: